Find a container that fits your needs, and then purchase a round floral foam and a square floral foam.
Place your square foam in your container first. There will be some long stems placed in the middle, so this foam block will help keep things sturdy.
Place your round foam onto the top of the container. Press down firmly. Next, place some long tall stems in the middle.
Purchase two large hydrangeas two different colors. Cut the flowers into smaller clumps.
Alternate your colors around the edge of your container. Make sure to stick the stems into the foam really well. If you have trimmed one too close, use a little hot glue to stick it to the foam.
I chose these little berries to add some contrasting color between the hydrangeas. Trim these into smaller pieces also.
Place the little berry twigs between all of the hydrangeas alternating the height like pictured.
You will need four medium pumpkins on stems. (I only have three in the photo above.) I liked the look of two white, and two grapevine pumpkins.
What I don’t like, is pumpkins that look “too plastic-y”. Yeah, it’s a professional term. Paint some “Burnt Umber” onto your pumpkins, gently wiping off the excess with a paper towel.
Just a little antiquing makes a huge difference to me.
Add your pumpkins in next. Don’t shove them down too far, you want them to be higher than your flowers.
I found some pumpkins on a stem in the floral department. I also gave these little guys some antiquing magic. Place one of these little pumpkins beside each larger pumpkin.
This is what I used for some filler in the larger top stem. The feathers are on a stem and located in the floral department of the craft store. Place the feathers all the way around the middle stem.
Next, cut some of the wheat and place inside the larger stem, not going outside the feathers.
Nothing says autumn like pine cones! Hot glue a few of these around the pumpkins in areas that are empty.
That’s it! Now, you have a gorgeous autumn flower arrangement.
A Few More Autumn Floral Arrangements
Autumn Floral Arrangement is a Galvanized Trough
Happy Fall!!